Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Bali with kids

28th of June Thursday
Day 1 in Bali

Booked jetstar promo ticket in Feb S$68/way and had looked forward to this trip. After months of planning, finally the time has come for us to board this flight to Bali. We are blessed to have friends joining us on this trip. Although not on the same flight but we will be seeing them in our ubud villa tonight.

Our flight departing from Singapore at 10.30am we arrive in Bali at 13.30pm. Our first itinerary "ubud". Airport to Ubud is about 1hr 15mins car ride. Airport transfer provided by nefatari villa free of charge. Ryan and Rachel took a nap on the car ride to ubud. You know when you have reach ubud when you start seeing art galleries selling stones and wood craving crafts everywhere. We checked into Nefatari villa at about 3.30pm. We have booked a 2 bedroom villa sharing with Joyce and Chloe. Got an extra single bed at no extra charge! We love this villa so much. Nice pool, big bedrooms, huge open concept bathroom and outdoor dinning area and of course wonderful service.

Our 2 bedroom villa with private pool
The dinning area

Dinning & relaxing corner
Open concept bathroom 1
Open concept bathroom 2

Walk way to our villa

After a short break, we are off for dinner. I have done some research on nice places to eat in ubud and really want to try this Sari organik restaurant that serve healthy organic food with good reviews of the padi field scenery. check out the reviews from tripadvisor link( ) As advise, we have prepared some torchlight as there were no street lights along the way.

We took the hotel free shutter service to ubud central main street and from there no cars are allowed into the padi field village. We took the hotel contact info so that we can call for the shutter bus to ferry us back when we are done.We need to trek about 20mins to this restaurant. Along the way there is an art shops, full of padi fields, farmers chasing their ducks. An eye opener for the kids.

Ducks walking in order
Padi field

The path that leads us to Sari Organik

An art shop along the way

Another farmer chasing his ducks home
We are finally here

They have their own organic farm

We've got a nice seat with views of the padi field

View from our table

We have made a reservation via email before we set off for to this restaurant. Contact info are in this link Looking through the menu, everything on it we want to try.hehehe guess we are too hungry. Max ordered their nasi campur, the kids have spinach and mushroom pizza and I have their gado gado. Daddy not too happy with the food. His is not those healthy eating sort of guy la. I enjoyed my gado gado and the kids love their pizza. Rachel broke her records by having 3 slices of pizza that night. They enjoy their coconut drink with wooden straw before 1 spider decide to take a swim in it. We tried their special fruit wine. ''Dragon fruit wine''. Super nice. Sweet and sour kind of taste. Guess what's for dessert? Sweet potato sorbet. Unique right? But not to our liking though. However we enjoy the experience with food this first evening in ubud.

The kids coconut drink with recycle wooden straw

Dragon fruit wine

Daddy's Nasi Campur - Ryan can't wait to eat

Spinach & mushroom pizza

Gado Gado

The path back to the main road was really dark. With our torchlight in place we walk cautiously back. Ryan got scared cause it's too dark keep saying he want ah ma (grandma). Luckily there are alot of fireflies on the way that stop him thinking of his fear. Rachel enjoy the walk in the dark finding fireflies and playing with the torchlight of course. Walking down hill is easier we took about 15mins to reach the main road and the hotel shutter is just at the main road ready to send us back. (we called them before heading downhill)

Back at the hotel, the kids waited impatiently for the rest to arrive. So I suggested they play in the big bath tub while waiting......

The kids in tub

The rest of the group arrived with surprise supper. Well recommended by many blog. ''The Dirty Duck Diner''. Small duck with not much meat but the skin is crispy and nice. A must try I feel.

The Dirty Duck Dinner
That's the famous duck
Serve with rice,vegetable and chili

Fried rice

The kids are having fun dipping their legs in the pool while we adults enjoy our supper......

Time for bed after a full stomach. More to come tomorrow.........

29th of June 2012 Friday
Day 2 in Bali

We woke up at 7am and ordered almost everything from the menu. Ala carte buffet Breakfast are serve in our villa in less than 30mins. I love their pancakes and mie goreng. Delicious.....

Table setting by the hotel staff
Banana cornflakes

5 fried eggs

Plain pancake with scrambled egg and salad

Fried rice

Banana pancake

Mi Goreng

Enjoying their breakfast conflakes

After breakfast we are off for a day tour. We have booked a car with driver for a day tour from at USD55 for a 12 seater car for 10hrs. Our first stop Tegalalang Rice Field. Took some pictures there and we are off to Kintamani.

2nd stop - Kintamani coffee plantation. The weather is so cooling up hill in Kintamani that is why they are able to plant coffee here. We tried the famous civet-cat poop coffee and lots of other coffees and teas in different favors. Frankly speaking I still prefer our coffee shop coffee most.hehehehe Coffee and tea tasting is FOC but payable for coffee luwak.

Coffee beans

Ripe coffee beans


A bat in this coffee plantation

Luwak - The civet cat. We are going to drink it's poop
This is the fresh cat poop

This one had been cleaned

Roasting coffee beans

Pounding coffee beans

Tea tasting


Drink all you can

Coffee Luwak

World's most costly spice - Saffron

Our 3nd stop - Kintamani active volcano & Batur lake. Beautiful view and the weather here are so cold. Rachel and Chloe are crying for their jackets.

Kintamani Volcano

Batur lake

There are alot of restaurants around here but we decided to have our lunch back at ubud. We wanted to try another recommendation from tripadvisor and other blogger - Babi guling (suckling pig) at Ibu oka restaurant. I like the taste of this local food. The kids have it without chili.

The offerings

The roast pig

Babi Guling set meal

Babi Guling with rice

After lunch we are off to the famous monkey forest in ubud. You can know more about this attraction here There are people selling bananas at the entrance. Luckily we did not buy it to feed the monkeys cause they are aggressive monkeys...... The kids got so scared just by looking at how the monkeys attack & snatch it those visitors with food in their hands. Rachel fell down while trying to climb on Daddy's back cause she got so scared of the monkeys. We didn't stay long in the forest cause it's too scary. A lady from china told us on of the monkey even snatch her hair band which is clip on to her hair! There's no way she can get it back!

Beware not to step on the monkey's tail

After the monkey forest our next stop is shopping at central ubud. While the rest are happily shopping, Max and I brought the kids for some ice cream at the lotus cafe.

Look at the flowers! they pin it
Ice cold orange juice
Strawberry ice cream

Fried Banana with ice cream

On the way back we ask the driver to drop by this coffee shop to tabao some dishes back for dinner. Also recommended by blogger (Puteri Minang Padang food). The food is so cheap S$1-2 for a dish. Joyce had place an ordered via phone another type of famous duck to be send to the villa too.

choosing what to eat

Back to the villa, we enjoy a dip in the pool first before dinner.

Our dinner - nasi padang

30th June 2012 Saturday
Day 3

We have another day of good breakfast in this villa before checking out to our next destination - Mara River Safari Lodge. 

Enjoying their breakfast
Mi goreng

Fresh fruits

Omelette with bacon & sausage

After breakfast and some final packing, we are off to our next hotel. During check out the villa prepare a gift for the children. We are so please with this hotel service. Please stay at Nefatari villa if you are planning for a trip to Ubud. They are the best! we make our bookings via email.

A gift from Nefatari villa
Transport to our next hotel is free and it takes about an hour 20mins. We arrive 11am at Mara river safari lodge in Bali safari and marine park. We are ready for a day of adventure with the animals. We left our luggage at the check in counter and are off to tour the safari park cause they only allow check in after 2pm.

Checking in

11am in Mara river safari lodge

Shopping time

Time table of activities
In the safari park, Grace brought a branch of bananas for the kids to feed this elephant. 

Feeding the elephant

After which we are off to catch the elephant show.

A shot at the stage with the star of the show

Playing on stage
The white tiger habitat
A snapshot with the camels

Komodo dragons

Camel ride - Rachel got scared once the camel start moving. See her face in the pic below. The camel have to U turn to let her get off the ride. Surprisingly Ryan enjoy the ride even after seeing Rachel crying for help.

Camel ride

Finally it's time for us to check into our room and rest. We have booked a 2 bedroom apartment.

buggy to our room

The view from our balcony

1st bedroom

Living room

2nd bedroom


These are the animals we spotted from our balcony. There are carrots in the room for guest to feed the animals that pass near the balcony. So cool.


We rested for a while before going on the safari ride which is included in our room package.

This shy hippo refuse to let us see....

So sweet

I love this pic

That's the hotel rooms

After the 30mins safari ride, we couldn't get any hungrier. We went to the Tvion Lion restaurant in the hotel lobby. It is located beside the Lion habitat. We get to eat with the lion! how cool! Anyway think they are aiming us for dinner while we are eating heheheh! After dinner it's time to enjoy the pool.

In Tvion Lion Restaurant

Swimming in the wild....

1st July 2012, Sunday
Day 4

We woke up early for breakfast at the lion restaurant and wanted to go to the water theme park after breakfast for an hour before check out but when we reach the park we notice that there is an entrance fee to pay. As we are only going to stay for another hour so we decide it's not worth to pay for the entrance fee so we went for plan B. Shopping and swimming again........Oh and also taking pic with the lion.....heheheh

That's the water theme park area

Do you know in bali, the first son of the family is name Wayan

2nd son name Made

3rd son name Nyoman

4th son name Ketut

A pic with lion included in the hotel package
Time to say good bye to the rest as Joyce & Chloe are going back to SG. Grace and family are going to her next hotel in Hard rock (Kuta) and we are going off to Aria villa in Seminyak to meet Max's sister. Rachel is dying to see her Aunt. Journey from the safari park to Seminyak is about 1hr 30 mins. We check into our last stop in Bali at about 3.30pm. We are so tired that we decided to just stay in and enjoy the villa till dinner time. The kids as usually always not tired started playing in the pool again.......

Our 1 bedroom pool villa

The bathroom

Dining area

The pool


We went to this famous restaurant call Made's Warung for dinner It's about 10mins taxi ride from our villa. There are dance performance there on that day. The kids keep themselves entertain by playing with the tissues provided on the table while waiting for their Aunt to arrive. 
The walk out from the villa

At Made's warung

Children dancer

Enjoying the performance with her Aunt

Taking pic with the stars

Tuna with blue cheese

Carbonara for the kids
2nd July 2012, Monday
Day 5

Start to lost track of time by now......
The hotel provide free breakfast serve in our villa or we can choose to get a breakfast voucher and dine at a restaurant just 5 mins walk away call biku I would strongly recommend go Biku. Nice ambiance with good food. I've tried the wheatgrass shot there. Feels healthy after drinking it. hahahha 
The kids got some colouring materials from the waitress


Our high tea breakfast
After breakfast, we took a 10mins stroll to the beach before meeting max sis for lunch. This beach is call a black sand beach cause of the black volcanic ashes which make the sand black.  

We have packed some sand play toys for this trip
We met up with sis at this restaurant call Bali Buddha in Kerobokan took a taxi from our villa. About 15 mins. Very nice and unique food serve here. Love their healthy selections of drinks & food.
Mandala colouring materials provided for the kids

Some blocks puzzle to keep them occupied

Coconut water

Miso soup

Cleansing juice

Detox juice

Chicken curry pita

Fish and chips
After lunch we are off to Tanah lot. The journey took us about 1 hour 30mins to reach. Thanks to sis, she've got her driver to send us there. Ryan fall asleep during the journey. He did not wake up throughout the whole trip we are there. We manage in time for the sunset view in Tanah lot. It's amazing. We are lucky it's low tide and we manage to try out their offering routine.
Shops along the way to Tanah Lot

Tanah Lot



On the way back we drop by sis place to visit her hubby. It's amazing living hand in hand with nature. The kids are so lucky to share their musical experience with uncle Vidal in his musical dome.
Having fun with the huge drum

Ryan join in the fun after a short nap
We have such a relaxing and enjoyable trip that hubby is asking when will we be going back to bali again......

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