Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Father's day 2012

17th June 2012

We waited for Daddy to knock off from work to surprise him with this picnic party. Morning marketing and preparation for food keep us all busy till the evening. The kids are so excited when daddy is home. They shouted Happy Father's Day once he step into the house. Ryan even thought it was daddy's birthday and shouted Happy birthday daddy.......We all burst out laughing.....

My hard work pays off when I see them enjoying the food i prepare and having a great time at West Coast Park.......

My virgin masterpiece - Prawn Aglio olio

All packed.....

Cream of Corn soup ready too.....

My new picnic basket finally out in the public......

Rachel enjoying the soup....
The main course

Daddy enjoying his Father day dinner.....
Snack after dinner...Koropok
Playgound and sandplay time for the kids while my mum and max enjoy their evening relaxing in the field.

Ryan 1st attempt on this obstacle course

Rachel accompany him for a few rounds.....
Jie Jie guiding Di di.....

Wala his on his own now.....

His so happy on his accomplishments - Good job and Thank you Jie Jie

A sky full of kites....

Our turn to try.....

Keep trying.....

We truly enjoy celebrating this year Father's day with nature..... best of all, it's free. Total dinner cost $30 for 5 of us.....So worth it right.......heheheheh.

Happy Father's day to all daddy in the world ;)

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