Sunday, May 20, 2012

Rachel is 6

9th of May 2012

Rachel is 6....
We celebrate her birthday in school with her teachers, friends and of course us. We have never join in her school birthday parties in previous years. As this is going to be her last kindergarden birthday party, therefore we decided to all join in the fun. She's going to P1 next year. A new minestone for all of us. Hip hip hurray.

What's daddy thinking?

Swensen's ice cream cake. The kids just love it.
Rachel's K2 classmates and teacher Latifah - her english teacher

Her classmates singing her the birthday song

Making a wish and Ryan decide he wants to make a wish too.

The cake is too hard for anyone to cut.....That's a job for the man

Chit chatting and Ryan just want to be involve....

Giving out goodies bag - school party traditions

And I have 1 too
In Rachel's classroom

Spot Rachel's art work

The family wall post. Can you spot us?

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