Friday, May 4, 2012

Port of lost wonder

1st May 2012

Sentosa new attraction - port of lost wonder (POLW)

Opens at 10am we arrive there at 9.45am to see Q forming at the ticket booth. Luckily Joyce was there earlier so we didn't wait long for our turn. Entrance fee cost S$15 on PH for a child and an adult gets in free. The entry fee comes with a Port Pass (for the kids to collect stamps at each activities station. Collect 5 stamps and they can exchange it for a gift) and 100 curios (which is the currency they use in POLW) 5 curios cost S$1.

POLW money bag and port pass
I'm ready for the adventure

Once entre POLW, there are picnic areas every where. We lay our picnic mat on a spot and the kids change into their swimming costume and are ready to get wet.

5 stars daddy for the day. I love the way he looks when he is having fun with the kids. Isn't he handsome......heheheheh
The girls are having fun on their own at the water park...... 

Beautiful ship Ahoy

Waiting for the big splash......

Here it comes
We have the timing on all the activities at the back of our hands ...... Q ing for 11.30am Foam party..... coming up next. The 1hr session is break into 2 groups. 30 mins each groups of 30 children. Miss this you will have to wait till 2.30pm for the next foam party. We are lucky to be in the first 30. Cost the kids 50 curios to get in the party. Well worth it and it's the kids favourite......


Can you spot them?

Dive in the foam

Ops she fell and got foam all over.....

After lots of bubble fun, time to fill their tummy......Lovely heart and flower shape sandwish made by Joyce. The kids just love it. Resturant name ''Pot Belly'' is sure to fill our tummy. Thank you so much Joyce for Q ing. She has to Q 1hr to order the food cause it's lunch time. But the food is serve in no time and to your picnic area. (tumbs up for that)

Yummy sandwish

With this tag, the waiter can easily
 locate us in no time.

After lunch, the kids are off to more water fun while waiting for the next activities..... plant watering.
The kids get to fill the watering can with water and water all the plants in the garden.There are stawberries, tomatoes, flowers....... They need to pay 10 curios for this.

If you want to plant and take this home,
it cost 120 curios

Next activities playcute........This cost 30 curios each
Trying to keep the ball in the playcute

The ladies are back to their water playground whereas Ryan decide to head down to the sand pit

Last on our menu the parrot show.....This show is FOC. we do not need to pay curios to watch.......
Feels like we are in birdpark.

We couldn't stay any longer for the story telling cause we are too tired and the sky looks like it going to have a down pour. We are really blessed for the nice weather cause once we reach home, it's raining cats and dogs.......

The kids have a wonderful time at POLW and we will definitly be there again.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures taken! ;)
    I will take note for family outing in the future!
