Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bintan with kids

5/11/2011 - 7/11/2011

Our first trip to Bintan on 5th of November 2011 to 7th of November 2011 accompanied by Grandma, my mum, Uncle Ben and Aunty Joanne. We arrive early at the ferry terminal. We have booked our ferry ticket online  To kill time, we decide to head down to the cafe in the terminal to fill our stomach before the ride.

Ryan enjoying his chicken rice

We have checked in early after our breakfast and therefore had a long wait at the holding area before embarking onto the ferry. It's always better to be early then late right? So what we do to kill time? Take pictures, read and shop at the duty free shop (a very small one though). The kids just run around having fun in their own world....... 

That's us....waiting.....
Finally we got on board the seating for everyone....

We actually reserve a window seat for them but some one took that seat when we are not noticing
so they have to seat on the middle row...... 
Grandma, mummy and hubby seating at the row before us....
That's us.....mummy's darlings
Both are a darling as they sat quietly thoughout the whole journey.

The boat ride takes about 1 hour. Upon arrival in Bintan, due to the holiday season, there is a long Q forming to clear custom. Grandma get to clear custom with uncle Ben first as grandma can take the priorty Q and the rest of us have to Q for 1hour+ to clear the custom .............''Parents with young children no such privilege.''
There are free shutter buses from the ferry terminal to the hotel lobby. Don't have to booked before hand. They are always at the ferry terminal waiting for tourist. You can spot them holding a panel stating Nirwara Garden resort. We have booked the Banyu Biru resort via it's in the permise of Nirwana Garden. Uncle Ben has help made the transport arrangement while we are stuck Qing for custom clearance......

After we arrive and check in at the hotel lobby, We took a 1-2 mins buggy ride to our villa. Hotel provide free buggy service to and from our Villa. We can call for buggy if we need to step out. Our villa is just less than 10mins away from the main lobby but why sweat when the buggy is free. hehehe

That's our villa
View from our balcony
Living room, kitchen, storeroom and toilet on the first floor
View on the stairs to 2nd floor - bedrooms

1st common room - Uncle and Aunty room
2nd common room - Grandma and mummy room 
The masterbedroom - Our room
A seating area in the room that we transform into Rachel's bed at night.
After we settle down and unpack all our stuff, we took a stroll around the villa........

A snail right at our doorstep

We can see squirrel everywhere.

The kids having a dip in this soft sand beach

Look I've found a seashell

There is a protected sea turtle hatchery here.....

The lable showing where the eggs is.....

After the walk and some food searching, we decide to take the hotel shutter bus (free) to this kelong seafood restaurant. It's within the compound of Nirwara garden.

Look how big is that lobster....

And the crabs.....

Having a hard time thinking what to order.....
We have a hard time deciding what to order as the price are way to expensive. The easiest way out is to choose the set dinner. Think is a 8 or 9 course dinner we choose. Price about S$200+

Food are so so here and are priced on the high side. However the kelong atmosphere is wonderful. It's a great experience for the kids too.

The chicken.....

The gong gong.....

The crab...doesn't look as big as the one we saw at the entrance

The fish....

The clayfish

The fruits....

Some greens for the little one....

After dinner, we head back to the villa and put the kids to bed early so that we can have some relaxing time alone.......

some time for ourselves.....

Day 2

Nice weather we are experiencing today. No sun and no rain, cooling weather........We are ready for our breakfast buffet.......

All ready for the day

That's the buggy that bring us to and fro from hotel lobby to our villa

A Iguana habitat just outside the restaurant

Baby Iguana being protected in this cage

Playing with the iguana statue while waiting for a seat in the restaurant

After a full buffet breakfast (payable at $20+ per person), we took a walk back to our villa. We spot this sanpan display along the way and the kids just have to hop up and take a pic with it.

Squirrel running around

After sending the kids back to the villa, they are in daddy day care from now.....while we ladies enjoy a relaxing massage at the beach hut......

Massage hut

Super relax....

Tree lizard - that is consider the smallest we had seen so far.

After the message, it's time to hop onto the beach. Grandma decide to give it a miss.....and she don't know what she is missing........hehehehe

There are alot of small fishes along this stream.....

Having a hard time catching one....

Relaxing at the beach.....Consider a nice weather cause not hot but....we are at the beach leh.
We need Mr sun......

Enjoying a dip with my son....we are feeling the waves


A swim after the beach

What expression is that Rachel?

And now Ryan's turn......

Having a mocktail after a swim....

After the swim we actually decided to take the free shutter bus and explore around the resort. We are like living in a small world on it's own. All are within reach using the hotel free shutter bus. With our swimming costume still on, we head off explore more activities......

We actually wanted to take an elephant ride, but had missed the time slots. However the guard is so nice to let us take a pic with one of the elephant with a tip for him of course.......

The air rifle shooting is just next to the elephant ride area. Have to give it a try.....

What a nice pose....

Daddy's turn

My turn

Aunty's turn

Ryan's turn

and of course Rachel's turn
The kids have enough of shooting.... they rather play on the tramboline beside the shooting range.

Here i go....

Jumping in swim wear....what an experience...hehehehe

They prefer to crawl now?

After all the fun we have, we went back to the villa and saw grandma's angry face..... cause she is left alone in the villa for almost half a day hehehehehe.....That's what she had missed for not joining us to the beach.....

To make up to her, we arrange a shopping and dinner trip to one of the famous market there.
Pasar ole ole. We booked a van ride there from the lady selling tibits in the hotel lobby stall. It's free but they will take you to their appointed restuarant where you have to dine there.

Ryan fall alseep when we reach this market

All the shops are built in a hut like this one......
Resting their feet

There are alot of mosqitoes in this market. Better move around then resting on the benches....
We will have our dinner here. The restaurant comes with live band too. They serve cheaper and nicer food than the seafood kampong in Nirwana Gardens.

Grandma enjoying the music
Day 3 - check out day

While waiting for the transport to the ferry terminal, we take a bite at the hotel lobby cafe and of course i have to snap away with such beautiful scenery...... Hotel shutter bus leave for airport on a few time slots. Have to check with hotel staff during check in so that you will not miss the bus that match your ferry ride back.

All of us....

looks like the wind is blowing us away

Mocktail for the kids

Rachel get to take a pic with the local dancer

Off we go.....good bye Bintan
Ice cream time during our ferry ride home.

We had a wonderful weekend in Bintan....Fully recharge now.....

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