Monday, May 21, 2012

Pulau Ubin with NSS kids club

2nd September 2011

Following NSS kids club to Pulau Ubin to explore Chek Jawa. Let the kids learn about the nature and get some sun. Learn alot from this outing and kids enjoy themselves too.

Follow this link to see NSS kids blog. They caught daddy in their picture.

Meeting point at the Jetty

Little explorer

Off we go....

He got abit scared.....

The guide explaining to the kids

They are trying to spot something special

Saw these termites made my hair stands

Golden spider

Mini crabs

1 big and 1 small claw crab

The round patch is where nemo stay.

Low tide today. There are dugong here on high tide.
The largest bee in Singapore
Komodo dragon having a swim
That's the plant that make charcoal

That is the ah ta chi fruit
Trying to spot something
Rubber plant
Vinegar crab

Going back.....

Having fun when the sea water splashes at him

and they are hiding to prevent the sea water from splashing on them

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