Monday, November 14, 2011

Our new arrival - Rachel

Rachel at full month
Our 1st family portrait

The day I know that I'm pregnant (to be frank) I was in shock. Max too was in shock as the baby came unplanned. With only a month away to our not yet held wedding dinner, I felt fear creeping inside me. ''How to break the news to my mother''....  ''I'm so new to parenthood and I don't know anything about it.....'' ''We have such a short ''alone time'' together after we got married......'' All negative thoughts keep pouring into my brain..... But luckily, time really is everything. After our wedding dinner, after breaking the news to my mum,  with all the encouragement from family and friends, I slowly get over the fear. I started reading books on parenting even attending prenatal course to equipped myself with this new role. The morning sickness was the worst part of my ''pregnancy'' process. It was terrible. The first 3months of my pregnancy, I can't eat anything. Everything i ate i will vomit. I mean everything..... Luckily as time passes, it slowly gets better, I remember i can only start eating without puking at about 5-6months pregnant.... All the hardship worthwhile the moment I know that I am going to have a baby Girl.....

Rachel was born in Mt Alvernia hospital 2 weeks earlier then her expected due date. As I had an induce labour due to low amino fluid in placenta, I opt for epidural straight after induce so I didn't felt a single pain during labour. It was a very pleasant experience for me and Max. Rachel weighs 2.6kg during birth. Just as small as me when i was born (according to my mum). We both check out safe and sound after 2 days of hospital stay.

The photos above are taken during Rachel's full month party. Thank you Joyce for passing down this lovely dress for her. Thank you all friends and relative for coming and for the wonderful gifts from your. We are truly blessed :)

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